What can I do with my wedding flowers (bouquets and centrepieces) after my wedding day?

It seems like such a waste.

Question Asked: 4/08/2020

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

St. Rose Floristry Designs

(16) · Melbourne and Surrounds

Posted: 20/11/2022

A lovely idea can be to gift your flowers to guests at the end of your wedding day.

We can provide plastic bags & ties of which you can remove flowers from vases to gift or take home for yourself.

Flowers can also be dried out & preserved.

You can also choose to donate your flowers to nursing homes, hospices and hospitals of which we can assist you with finding in your local area.

Answered by: 6 Experts

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Edwards and Day

(8) · Hunter Valley

Posted: 21/06/2022

There are so many lovely ideas listed below! We have made some of our bride's bouquets into wreaths (this only works if you have natives or flowers that dry). You can also dry the petals and make them into soap. 

Driftwood Blue Floral Events

(13) · Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Surrounds

Posted: 28/12/2020

There are a few things you can do with your florals after your Wedding Day depending on how the flowers have been prepped and what flowers have been used to create the look you were going for.  Here are some ideas to consider.

Some flowers last longer than others, so if you want longer lasting flowers after your Wedding Day then talk about this with your floral designer. 

  • Drying your Bridal bouquets is an option many brides take and can be achieved quite effectively by hanging upside down and stored in a dry, dark place for a few weeks. Once dried you can place these in a vase or on display and it's ideal to have them covered once out.
  • Seeking out a professional bouquet preserver and framing your bouquet is another option but is generally quite expensive but will last a lifetime. 
  • Centrepeices - if you have fresh table centrepieces then think about offering these as gifts to special guests or parents.  If there isn't any interest in this then arrange to have them delivered to an old aged care home or something similar. Just check with the centre first. 
  • Bouquets - can generally last up to 5-7 days after your Wedding if you've taken care of them on your Wedding night and had them in water at some stage. Remember to cut the lengths at least 2 inches from the bottom so they can rehydrate, place them in fresh water with flower food and enjoy them for a little longer. If you want to preserve them, it's best they are preserved as quickly as possible so don't leave them out too long. 
Moss Lane

(3) · Sydney & Surrounds

Posted: 25/10/2020

Lots of things! 2020 has brought out the innovative creative in everyone, and I've seen some fantastic out-of-the-box ideas to not let your flowers go to waste!

  • Wrapping station | Moss Lane has been providing a wrapping station option since we began. This way your guests can take home the beutifully wrapped flowers as wedding favours.
  • Presssed/ Resin art | Flowers from your bouquet can be pressed or laid out beautifully and preserved into resin to make jewelry, wall art, photo frames or even phone cases (my personal favourite) .
  • Silk dying | Use your wedding day flowers to colour a silk scarf or shirt- and make a beautiful and timeless memento. You can either attempt it yourself, or do a google search to find an experienced Dexter.
  • Wax candles | Preserve some of them and make your own candles with the petals
  • Donations | We also offer donation programs, where the flowers are delivered by us to Hospitals and Nursing Homes- a beautiful and ethical choice. 

Wedding Flowers WA

(53) · Western Australia

Posted: 6/10/2020

It's true, it does seem like such a waste of beautiful flowers.  Besides drying them and keeping the dried flowers as a memento, you may want to consider taking or having the flower arrangements delivered to a retirement home in your local area?  I am positive they would gladly accept and enjoy them.

The Bloom Folk

(12) · Central Coast, Hunter Valley, Lake Macquarie and beyond!

Posted: 12/08/2020

One of my favorite ideas is to press-dry some of the flowers and then put them in a frame.

Its really easy and can also make a lovely gift for bridesmaids, mother of the bride or guests - Plus is basicly free (asside from the cost of a frame)

To press-dry your flowers all you need to do is cut them at the top of the stem and place them between some baking paper and them leave them flat in the middle of a big heavy book (or something to weight them down). Then wait 4-6 weeks and they will have dried out and you can arrange them in a frame.

X Jade @ The Bloom Folk 

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