EW’s Annual Australian Wedding survey is on

Easy Weddings
Updated on: August 26, 2014

EW Survey Facebook Standard2014

Easy Weddings’ Annual Australian Wedding Survey is on again.

Our survey is the biggest wedding survey in the country and the results are shared with Easy Weddings suppliers to help them get a better, more accurate picture of Australia’s wedding industry.

Each year, our survey is answered by thousands of Aussie brides and grooms and, whether they’ve already taken their trip up the aisle – or they’re about to – their answers on questions about overall wedding costs, the length of their engagements and general information shared around their big day paint the most accurate picture of how Australian couples plan their big day.

The Easy Weddings’ Annual Australian Wedding Survey provides invaluable, strategic data that can be used by our clients to help them in their own businesses and their own planning.

You can read last year’s results here.

If you’re newly married or recently married, we’d love you to participate in the survey too. Every entrant goes into the running to win one of five $100 gift vouchers!
Oh, and please share the link below with your family, friends or clients because the responses we get, the more accurate the data will be and that’s data we share with you to heop your business.

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