A note from Matt Butterworth, Easy Weddings’ CEO
We’re thrilled to announce that Easy Weddings has, officially, gone international!
Earlier this month, we launched EasyWeddings.co.uk – and opened our first overseas office, in London.
The office, located at 22 Bloomsbury Square, will act as our UK base as we make a push beyond Australia.
We’re so excited about creating some really great relationships with UK wedding suppliers and attracting a lot of UK brides, so that we can show them how to plan a wedding the EASY way :).
I’d like to extend my thanks to our Australian suppliers, many of whom have supported and encouraged us to take the business internationally.
Starting from Katrina’s and my small home office in 2000, it has taken 15 years to get to another country and, like any new business, it will take time to build, especially in a new market, however, we’ve had some great initial traffic to the UK site and lots of support from local wedding suppliers over there.
If any suppliers from our Australian site currently operate in the UK, we’d be more than happy to support you by providing free advertising in that market.
Simply contact sam@easyweddings.co.uk for more information.
Also, if any of our Australian suppliers are thinking about expanding to the UK, feel free to get in contact with Sam. He’ll be more than happy to share some market intelligence and provide some advice.
The London office is initially staffed by General Manager Sam McKerrow and Victoria Popov, both of whom have worked in our Melbourne headquarters for a number of years and will be growing the team there very soon.
Sam brings 10 years’ sales and business growth experience to the role, while Victoria brings extensive trade shows, content and social media experience.
Thanks for everyone’s well wishes and support.
Cheers, Matt