Sunday Wedding?

We are looking at having our wedding on a Sunday. We would like it to fall on a long weekend but have found that the price is the same as a saturday. If it was to be a working monday in your experience have people left early or just not came altogether.

Cristal H

Question Asked: 31/03/2018

Wedding Date: 2/05/2021

Most Helpful Response

Glengariff Historic Estate

(61) · Brisbane, Queensland

Posted: 12/04/2018

Hi Cristal, thank you for your question.

Glengariff historic Estate holds weddings any day of the week, Monday through to Sunday and average 150 weddings a year usually every Friday, Saturday and Sunday or more these days Thursday through to Monday. In our experience, it does not matter what day of the week  the wedding is held on as all guests and bridal couple all seem to celebrate and party just as they would on a weekend. We have some couples say they are choosing a Sunday to have a long weekend wit the family first then wedding day on the Sunday.

If you would like to come view Glengariff or have any futher questions, please contact me on (07) 3425 1299 or email

  Kind Regards, 

  Channing Wrightson 

(General Manager/ Wedding Coodinator)

Answered by: 4 Experts

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Blue Wren Farm

(8) · Sydney, Mudgee and Surrounds

Posted: 10/04/2018

Here's Blue Wren's experience

On Sundays; they are getting popular, due in part to guests getting their weekend back! Especially for smaller weddings, morning weddings, Sundays can work really well. Less traffic on road, more choice of everything  - lots of good reasons to pick a Sunday (or Friday - on trend..). 

Depending on the style of your wedding, lots of guests we see are still in quite good condition when they leave, especially if they have to go to work or other on Monday. If invited, they come.

On price; we look to charge less for Sundays, as a guide, contrasting to Saturday (most popular day). Costs for staff and other come into the calcualtion of course, but depending on the wedding guest numbers, it can work. Chat to your venue about this.

On attendance; in the end, the bridal party may take the week off but your guests generally won't, no matter the date or time. Weddings are happy events and everyone wants to stay - but young children, elderly relatives and other reasons are seen as non-negotiable and those are the reasons to leave.

If they leave early, just give them cake to take home!

Enjoy your night,


Captain Melville

(1) · Melbourne

Posted: 6/04/2018

Hi there, our venue is located in CBD. We actually charging less during the public holiday as we normally are closed to the public. For further information please contact:

Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah

(12) · Mount Tomah, Blue Mountains

Posted: 5/04/2018

The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah offers weddings at the same low fees all year round. In our experience, it does not appear that the day of the week that the wedding is held on makes much difference to the attendance or early departure of guests. We have held mid week weddings where the expected guest list at the outset is even exceeded by the ime the wedding is held, suggesting that all guests invited attended.

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