Should I go to my Ex's wedding?

We're good pals but it feels like a faux pas

Question Asked: 19/11/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Heels & Flats Event Solutions

(2) · Sydney & Surrounding areas

Posted: 21/12/2017

Wow, this can be a tough one!

I would suggest you consider how you parted and who will be there at the wedding and what perception people may have of you and you of yourself attending. I would also suss out with your ex why you were invited so you are clear on the reasons why you were invited and then look at the whole picture.

Or stuff everyone else and just go, be confident, have fun and celebrate the success of your partner.

Claudia and Daniella

Heels & Flats Event Solutions

Answered by: 2 Experts

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Flaire Events

(6) · Perth and surrounds

Posted: 24/11/2017


It's a tough one! I would go with your gut feeling, it may be a courtesy invite or could be genuine, I would suss it out with the bride to be! Nothing worse than being awkward at a wedding!

All the best,

Kristy (Flaire Events)

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