Getting married in Australia with Work & Holiday Visa (462)?

Hi All, we are going to spend a year in Australia with my boyfriend, having a Work&Holiday Visa (462). We are engaged, and plan to get married in Australia. Is it necessary with this type of visa? Thanks a lot for your kind answer!

Question Asked: 4/02/2019

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Heritage Celebrancy Services

(10) · Melbourne & Surrounds - Happy to travel

Posted: 27/08/2022

Yes you can get married under these circumstances as long as you are over 18 years of age, your proof of ID will be your passports, but bear in mind that you have to have one month minimum between signing the Notice of Intended Marriage and the day of your planned ceremony.

Answered by: 19 Experts

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Treasured Ceremonies

(17) · Byron Bay to Ballina , North Coast NSW and Gold Coast QLD

Posted: 31/03/2019

You can most certainly marry in Australia and you can choose a location such as a beach, park or garden or a bush wedding somewhere in the country areas not so far from the city. Provided you are both over the age of 18 there are no other boundaries. Your passports will be sufficient proof of your identity for the paperwork. Just take note that you will need to leave one month between signing the paperwork and the actual ceremony.

Pat Mac Anally

(13) · Gold Coast to Byron Bay, Tamborine to Brisbane

Posted: 28/02/2019

You don't need a Visa to get married in Australia, - we are very easy going. All you need is two ID documents such as Passports, Licences, Birth Certificates, - negotiate with your Celebrant when chosen.

Happy to assist on the Gold Coast:


0437 867 017

Maureen Miles Celebrant

(10) · Melbourne & Surroundings, Yarra Valley, Dandenongs, and Gippsland

Posted: 28/02/2019

Whoo exciting. As the other celebrants have said, you need documentation passport, birth certificates or/and drivers licence ID. But you don't need a visa, you do however need to lodge a Notice of Intent to Marry at least one month out from your date of marriage. So if you are in Melbourne or Gippsland I would be more than happy to assist you.

Have a wonderful time here and a super wedding day!


Beautiful Day Celebrancy - Rhyan Andrews

(10) · Blue Mountains / Penrith / Western Sydney / Sydney Basin

Posted: 11/02/2019

What a wonderful plan! You have already gotten plenty of information that your visas are fine and explaining the paperwork that you will need to do for your wedding plans in Australia. The next stage of your plans is where will you be based in Australia? You are hoping to work as well so there is a lot to consider.

Do you want your wedding to be close to where you will be living or to be an away wedding? There are so many beautiful places to choose from in Australia.

I am happy to help if your plans are for a wedding in Sydney or outer Sydney, such as the Blue Mountains.

Good luck! Have a wonderful wedding and an amazing trip to Oz.

Jeff Munn

(14) · Perth, Western Australia

Posted: 8/02/2019

You do not need any visas to get married in Australia. you only need two of the following, original Passports, driving licence with photo, birth certificates

Kaye Hartog

(2) · Adelaide and Surrounds

Posted: 7/02/2019

Hello and congratulations. 

Yes you can marry in Australia providing you are both over 18 and have the necessary documents to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage within the legal timeframe. 




Celebrancy by Shelley

(7) · SA State Wide

Posted: 6/02/2019

There is no visa requirement for a marriage in Australia to be conducted and recognised. What you need to do is provide specific identification such as birth certificate, passport, drivers licence etc. You will also both need to be over the age of 18 and have evidence of any divorce or death of previous partners if applicable. You will be required to lodge your Notice of Intended Marriage with a Marriage Celebrant at least one month in advance of your wedding date using this information, note the Celebrant must sight these documents. 

Enjoy the excitement of your pending holiday and we look forward to welcoming you downunder soon. Happy to take email enquiries and correspond with you if you wish. 

Kerrie Boag Celebrant

(10) · Perth & Surroundings

Posted: 6/02/2019

Exciting times ahead for you and your boyfriend.  Travelling and getting married.  Congratulations.

The only requirement necessary for you to marry in Australia is that you both complete a Notice of Intent to marry, no less than one month prior to your intended marry date.  

You will also need to prove your identity and birth details via Birth Certificate or Passport and Photographic ID if using your Birth Certificate.  If any of these documents are not in English, you will need them to be translated by an authorative.  If in Australia, this can be done via NAATI.

Before you get married, you will also need to complete a Declaration of no legal Impedement.

If you have been married previously, you will need proof that the marriage has been disolved.  You will also need two witnesses that are over 18 years plus, on the actual wedding day, where there will be further signing of your marriage Certificates.

If you require any further help, don't hesitate to reach out.

Kerrie x

Aisle & Row

(7) · Byron Bay and surrounds

Posted: 6/02/2019

Hi there

What a lovely idea to get married while on holiday. 

There are a few things you will need to do to ensure your wedding is legal in Australia. You will still need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage no later than one calendar month before the set date. You will need to ensure you use an Authorised Marriage Celebrant or Minister of Religion for your service and all of the legal paperwork will need to be lodged with the Department of Births, Deaths and Marriages in the state where the ceremony takes place.

In terms of the visa, all of those questions will need to be directed towards your Goverenment based department that deals with marriages as to how that will affect your marriage status back in your home country. While the wedding may be legally recognised here in Australia, it is the case, that in some countries, it may not be so you need to be aware of this. 

Marriage celebrants in Australia can legally wed anyone from another country as long as they have received the Notice of Intended Marriage within the timeframe and the appropriate translations have taken place if needed and all legal paperwork needed is sighted (evidence of date and place of birth, identification and details of the termination of a previous marriage if applicable.

I hope this helps. 

In love + light

Easy Weddings Expert

Please note that celebrants can help answer any questions relating to your legal obligations in order to get married in Australia, but they are unable to provide immigration advice.

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