EW update: introduction of rich snippets

Easy Weddings
Updated on: February 10, 2017

Easy Weddings has been working with Google to introduce rich snippets to your storefront search results. This means higher quality leads and potentially improved SEO rankings.

Easy weddings rich snippet JPG

What are rich snippets?

Rich snippets are added snippets of information that display in the search results when someone searches for your business in Google. Now when brides search for your business, your Easy Weddings reviews will show up under your search listing here:

Rich snippet 1

And here:

Rich snippet 2

How will this help you?

Rich snippets help improve visibility and make you stand out in the search listing page on Google. They will also help you to achieve higher quality leads as more genuinely interested brides will be attracted to your EW reviews. In addition, rich snippets can improve your SEO ranking as you will be rewarded for having more engaged visitors.

Rich Snippets don’t appear to be showing up for me. Why is this so?

Rich snippets may not show up for every Easy Weddings storefront. Google has uses its own algorithm to determine what content will use rich snippets. If this is the case for you, try increasing the number of Easy Weddings reviews. Otherwise come back and keep checking – it may take a little while to update for you.

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