Reviews and testimonials, the key to attracting new business

Easy Weddings
Updated on: February 26, 2014

Easy Weddings five star vendor frames
It’s almost that time of year, folks. Come June, we’ll be sending out our coveted Easy Weddings five-star supplier awards and it’s not too late to ensure you earn one, too!

The Easy Weddings five-star supplier Awards recognise the hard work put in by Australia’s wedding industry suppliers and, those suppliers who have garnered five-star reviews during the past 12 months, will receive a framed certificate they can put on display.

“Online consumers rely heavily on reviews and testimonials when choosing to buy a product, be it in the banking sector or wedding industry,” says Ryan Jenkins, Easy Weddings’ National Sales Director. “So, if you’ve got reviews from past couples, be sure to add them to your Easy Weddings profile so that potential brides can see just how good your service is.”

Last year, Easy Weddings launched a free Reviews widget, which allows our suppliers to pull their Easy Weddings reviews onto their websites.

To install it, you just need a simple line of code added to your website and we’re happy to help you get it up and running free!

“The reviews widget has been a huge success with clients, who tell us it has made a big difference to customers who are quickly and easily able to read about their past efforts, their service and what makes them great at what they do.”

We’re hoping to present many new five-star awards this year.

What you can do: Add your free Reviews Widget to your website

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