9 Email Tips To Grow Your Business

Easy Weddings
Updated on: November 17, 2021

As enquiries increase, emails increase. There are very few business owners who enjoy sifting through their emails but optimising your inbox’s settings and refining your email habits can make a huge difference to your bottom line and help you get more positive reviews from couples.

Email tips to grow your business

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your inbox:

1. Aim to have one email address dedicated to business enquiries

An inbox can quickly stack up with unread emails if you subscribe to a lot of websites, competitions and newsletters. It can take a bit of work if you’re an established business, but setting up one email for enquiries and business-related conversations only and another email for your subscriptions can make your work life a lot easier. And, needless to say, do the occasional ‘unsubscribe’ binge to help clean up all your email addresses.

2. Set up your email notifications on your computer and phone

We often emphasise the need to quickly reply to enquiries and the best way to stay on top of email enquiries is to ensure your notifications are set up correctly. Set this up for your enquiry address and send a quick reply as soon as an email comes in. Like most things, YouTube can be a great teacher if you’re unsure how to do this.

 Email Tips To Grow Your Business

3. Write template emails for common questions

Templates can turn a 15min task into a 3min task. It doesn’t even need to be a full template, even templated answers to common questions saved in your drafts can be a time saver. Simply copy and paste and double-check it’s exactly what you want to say before sending.

4. Organise your inbox to show unread or important emails first

This was one of the biggest game-changers for me personally. Changing the way your inbox displays emails can prioritise your unread or important messages so they’re the first thing you see each time you open your inbox. You might prefer a different setup but either way, check out your settings to see your options. 

5. Get into the habit of reading and replying straight away

This is a productivity habit I heard about ages ago and it actually works. Most people waste so much time reading an email, thinking ‘I’ll get back to it later, and then rereading that same email later on. This usually happens when you don’t know exactly how to reply or you’re on the go. Nevertheless, try and get into the habit of replying as soon as you read the email or at the very least, send a one-line response acknowledging that you’ve seen the email and that you’ll get back to them soon.

Email tips to grow your business

6. Reduce back-and-forth emails by using booking software

There’s nothing that quite kills a potential sale like emailing back-and-forth trying to find a time for a call that suits you both. Software like Calendly is the most popular in the space but there are many others worth considering. The end goal is sending an email with all your available time slots, the couple picking the one that suits them and then that’s it!

7. Automatic replies can be your best friend

If you’re going to be away, you’re busy at weddings or you’re just snowed under, set up an automatic reply stating you’re away, what the couple can do in the meantime (send you more information, visit your website etc) and that you’ll get back to them within a certain time frame. This is much better than leaving couples waiting days on end for a reply that might never come.

8. Make sure your email signature is updated and attached to replies

I’m not sure about you, but I find it slightly annoying when I have to sift through a long email chain to find the other person’s contact details. In your phone and computer settings, make sure your details are correct and in your settings, select that want your signature attached to replies as well.

9. Explore the full range of settings available for your phone or email platforms

New updates and features are being added to email platforms so often that it can be difficult to keep up! Luckily, there are people out there who make it their business to help you figure out which ones are the most useful. Simply Google your email platform + latest updates and you’ll find heaps of articles like this one about Gmail. Just make sure you’re looking at a fairly recent article or video and not one from a few years ago.

This list could go on and on but let the number one takeaway be that emails are not a drag on your business, done right, they can be one of the main reasons your business grows!

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