Quiz: Should This Person Be on Your Guest List?

Maddy Laurie
Updated on: September 29, 2024

How do you know who to invite? You’ve got those childhood friendships rich in nostalgia… but when was the last time you actually saw them? Then there are the rellies your parents would be horrified to leave off the guest list, but who drive you absolutely nuts. And let’s not forget the new friends who light up your world—but will they stand the test of time?

Of course, this quiz is just for fun. Why not try a short visualisation exercise to help you decide if that guest will be a good addition to the list:

Close your eyes and picture your wedding day. The music starts, the guests are seated, and you’re about to walk down the aisle. Now imagine this person sitting there, catching your eye. Are they smiling warmly, or is there an awkward tension? Can you see yourself chatting with them at the reception, or do you feel a bit of dread? How does their presence make the atmosphere feel? If your gut reaction is anything less than joyful, it might be time to rethink.

Tally up your answers to find out: Should This Person Be on My Guest List?


How do they make you feel when you’re around them?
A) Energised and happy! They’re easy to be around, and I always look forward to seeing them.
B) We get along well. They might not be my closest confidant, but we gel well, and I appreciate their presence.
C) Honestly, I’m not sure! It can vary day to day. I haven’t seen them in a good while either…
D) Drained or anxious. Honestly, if I have the option, I try to avoid them.


How well do they know your partner?
A) Peas in a pod! They’re close with both of us.
B) They’ve met a few times and seem to get along great.
C) They’ve never met, but I’ve talked about them both to each other.
D) They don’t know each other at all, or they don’t seem to get along.


Would you say you feel obligated to invite them?
A) Absolutely not! I genuinely want them there.
B) A little bit, but it’s not a big deal.
C) Yes, mostly out of guilt or expectation.
D) Absolutely, but I wish I didn’t have to.


What role have they played in your relationship?
A) They’ve been a big part of it—supportive and involved.
B) They’ve been around but not heavily involved.
C) They weren’t around much but reappeared when I got engaged.
D) They’ve been a point of contention in our relationship.


Do you foresee them being in your life past this season?
A) Yes, they’re a forever kind of friend!
B) Yes, unless something big happens.
C) Honestly, I’m not sure. They’re kind of flakey…
D) They’re a work friend who is likely to only be in my life for a season.


How often do you see or communicate with them?
A) All the time!
B) Every few months.
C) Maybe once or twice a year.
D) We barely speak anymore.


Can you imagine your wedding without them?
A) No way, it wouldn’t feel right without them.
B) I could, but I’d miss them.
C) Definitely, it would be fine.
D) Honestly, yes, and I’d prefer it.

Your Results


Mostly A’s: Absolutely Yes
Are you kidding? Roll out the red carpet. This person is an important part of your life and deserves a spot at your wedding. Their presence will make the day even more enjoyable, so make sure they get a prime seat!


Mostly B’s: Consider It
While they’re not at the centre of your world, they still have a meaningful connection to you. If inviting them feels right, go ahead—they could add a nice touch to the celebration.


Mostly C’s: Probably Not
We can tell that you’re feeling lukewarm about this person’s invite. If the only reason they’re on the list is obligation, it might be worth reconsidering. Keep your guest list filled with those who bring you happiness.


Mostly D’s: Definitely No
You’re not feeling it, and that’s totally fine. If their absence brings you more peace than their presence, it’s best to leave them off the list. Focus on surrounding yourself with those who genuinely matter.

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