When is "wedding season"?

Question Asked: 28/11/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

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The Sebel Harbourside Kiama

(19) · Kiama

Posted: 18/01/2018

Wedding Season is from September 1st through to Mid April, especially for us on the South Coast near beaches/water.

Answered by: 4 Experts

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The Centre Ivanhoe

(13) · Melbourne and surrounding areas

Posted: 4/12/2017


We have weddings all through the year, however 'wedding season' for us is normally October - May. December tends to be a bit quieter with weddings, although most years we have held a wedding on New Year's Eve due to being front row for the amazing firework display on the Yarra!

Poet's Lane

(128) · Victoria

Posted: 30/11/2017


Our most popular wedding seasons are Autumn and Spring due to our gardens being in full colour in different ways! 

It's a great idea for our wonderful couples to visit the venue in all seasons as they have different feelings but are equally as beautiful.

We believe it's worth while for people to visit in their desired season 12 months before they wish to be married to exprience what the gardens will be like for the wedding day!

Immerse Winery

(147) · Yarra Valley

Posted: 29/11/2017


'Wedding season' is generally the most popoular times of year to get married. It can also be known as 'peak season' or 'high season'. This time of year is usually between October - May. 

The Yarra Valley can look very different at different times of year, so it's always worth checking out lots of photos from all different times of year to see what you like best :) 

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