Is it normal to pay photographers in full before the actual wedding day?

Just wondering if it is standard practice to pay vendors in full for services such as photography prior to the actual wedding day?

Question Asked: 15/12/2020

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

McBride Studio

(9) · WorldWide

Posted: 24/08/2022

Yes usually it ensures you wont have to worry about money on your big day. 

Answered by: 18 Experts

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West Coast Weddings

(5) · Perth and Surrounds

Posted: 8/06/2022

Generally, most photographers will require a deposit to secure the date in their diary, with the balance paid sometime before the wedding (usually around 6 weeks out).

This way it means the "decks" are all clear on the day so to speak - so you don't have to worry about paying them on the day and can relax and enjoy the experience.

Jodie Pope Photography

(3) · Adelaide

Posted: 27/04/2022

It's definitely the norm for a photographer to expect the account to be paid in full by at least 14 days out from the wedding date. If all is going along well, and you're 95% of the way onto your big day after all the planning, budgeting, paying out money... If you've had lots of opportuinty to reach out to your photographer, and you're absolutely certain they are the one, with no worries  to be had then yes the account for the service is expected to be paid. xx

However, some photographers can be lenient and offer for the account to be 2/3rds paid before the wedding and will not part with the photos until the last 1/3 has been finalised. It's a service, there are products being brought and it's only fair and simple to have the account paid in full for the products you are purchasing. xx

Also, you certainly don't want to be worrying about money straight after the wedding, while you are on your honeymoon, and then coming back home to worry more about the accounts; and yet be painfully eager for your photos. xx

Dreams Photography

(14) · Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle

Posted: 25/01/2022

Yes, we have a Low deposit fee, only $600 to get the day locked in, the rest isnt untila week before your wedding so you have plenty of time so save.  We even offer unlimited date changes with no loss of deposit or additional fee.

Two Wild Hearts

(9) · Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Surrounding Areas

Posted: 23/02/2021

Definitely. They are providing you with a service much like your catering and venue. They will work tirelessly researching your venue, getting to know you as a couple and showing up on the day ready to capture every precious moment. They will then spend countless hours after your day perfecting your images in order to deliver them to you. Paying up front ensures this process is seamless and they are not waiting on you to pay your invoice in order for them to deliver your gallery.

Hope this information helps! x

Crystal Clear Photography

(10) · Geelong / Melbourne / Daylesford / Macedon / Ballarat / Bendigo

Posted: 25/01/2021

Yes, this has been standard practice for a number of years. I find it works best for everyone involved, and especially for the couple. The last thing I want is for the couple to be stressing about finances on their wedding day. At Crystal Clear Photography, we take the final payment 14 days beforehand, and so do many other vendors, meaning you can spend the last couple weeks looking forward to your big day without the stress. There are so many things on your mind in the leadup, why not tick another item off the list?

Another thing to note is that us photographers are always beyond excited to get home to edit some of our favourite images ready for a sneakpeak reveal. Having the payment already made in full means we don't have to delay - we can put our heads down and get straight to work. There is nothing sinister about a photographer asking for full payment before the day. It's simply so we can streamline the process and get the photos back to you as soon as possible :)

Hope that helps!

Amber Williams Photography

(26) · Yarra Valley / Dandenong Ranges / Melbourne / Mornington / Gippsland / Ballarat

Posted: 11/01/2021


Yes this is common practice in our industry.  As soon as a wedding has been photographed, I cannot wait to bring the images up on my computer screen and start editing!  Once edited, I simply send my clients a link to their gallery!  I would hate to have to hold off and chase up payments following a wedding. Especially if they are on honeymoon.  For the client, maybe it's a little scary handing over money to a stranger... so I like to let them know that I am here for them anytime they want to chat, to put their mind at ease.  


Jaz Anderson Photography

(7) · Adelaide

Posted: 9/01/2021

Yes, I can confirm what everyone else had said. Yes, it is normal to pay in full before the wedding day.

I deposit is tyically required to confirm your date. Then the full amount due by a specificed date before the wedding.

All the best with your wedding x

Artisan Photography

(2) · Perth/Margaret River/Bunbury

Posted: 8/01/2021

It really depends how the business operate. As a single photographer in my own business and after asking for a deposit, I allow to be paid on the day and if later, I will wait the full payment before doing any sorting/editing. I guess that if the business is managing different photographer/videographer they won't be able to be as flexible. If you have a contract it might be explain how they operate :) 

Quil Studios

(0) · Perth

Posted: 8/01/2021

Hey there, it is quite common for this to happen. Most photographers and videographers have a ton of preparation and post production to do outside of the actual wedding day. The best practice is to put a deposit down (25-30%) and then pay the remaining on the day (to make sure they actually show up) so that the post production work is finished with the maximum efficiency.

Just to give you some numbers for post production works. A 300x images photo edit can be anywhere between 4-5 hours whilst a 5-6 minutes wedding video production can be anywhere from 10-20 hours of post production work. Of course this is taking the average count, as most companies have different practices to make themselves stand out, but it's a good number to go by.

Hope this helps you and your wedding organising planning.

PS: Don't choose cheap. Choose VALUE above all things. 

Aquilla from Quilstudios.

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