my heart is set on a particular florist but she hasnt got back to me yet?

my wedding is under 5 months away. should i just forget about her and try find someone else? im based in brisbane

Question Asked: 5/10/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Flowers Of Envy

(6) · Adelaide

Posted: 19/12/2017

Call email and message her if she doent return any of them maybe look for someone else

Answered by: 5 Experts

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Poppies and Peas Floral Design

(10) · Penrith, Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and regional

Posted: 24/11/2017

At the moment it is peak wedding season for florists and hey are extremely busy. It may be a good idea to look for a back up florist and get some quotes from them if the florist you want has not responded. Keep trying to get in contact with you favourite, but have the back up plan ready.

Oscar Botanicals

(1) · Perth & WA

Posted: 26/10/2017

If you are really stuck on that Florist then that means you have connected with thier work which is fantastic and such a compliment to a designer. Give the florist you love a call and follow up with them. This time of year is busy for the weding industry and as much as we hope to get back to everyone and absolutely value everyone who takes the time to enquire, sometimes emails slip through so the call will allow them to take a look and rectify the situation, or if they are full they will be able to point you in the direction of another florist with the same style. 

Good luck with the planning. 

Luxx Weddings & Events

(14) · Perth, Western Australia

Posted: 10/10/2017

You should try seeking out other florists who may be able to create the flowers you are after. Are you after fresh or quality artificial ? 

Just Fake It Bouquets

(175) · Australia Wide

Posted: 5/10/2017

You should always get a few quotes for your wedding flowers.
Maybe approach some other suppliers and send them pics of the bouquets you want and see what they can come up with :)

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