what kind of veil is fashionable at the moment? unsure if i want it to cover my face

Question Asked: 13/10/2017

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Chein Noir Dezines

(14) · Perth

Posted: 14/10/2017

When considering veil it is more personal decision than fashion trend. Bridal always stands outside fashion. As a Couturier I recomend to my clients that they look at the bigger picture of their wedding. Is it traditonal church or outdoor ceremony? Talk to your hairdresser about your hairstyle and what kind of veil or headpiece would suit. How involved is your wedding gown? I usually recomend simple blunt cut veil for dresses that have a lot of lace or trim or no veil at all. Also if gown is simple, short or very plain then decorative veil with lace trim will be great choice. Veil over face idea comes from traditional aproach to the weddings where bride was not to be seen by strangers until presented to future husband and veil would be lifted by father or whoever would be giving bride away. I hope this is not complecating things, but basicaly have what you feel comfortable with.

All the best wishes for your wedding,

Beata Ridley, Bridal Couturier and Designer

Answered by: 3 Experts

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Raffinato Bridal

(26) · Perth and Surroundings

Posted: 14/10/2017

Veils will vary on the bride. It really depends on the bride the location and the style of the wedding. Now a days we are having brides go with the single tier veils. But it really does depend on the bride and the look they are looking for.

Collezione Bridal Couture

(86) · Perth

Posted: 13/10/2017

Alot of brides are now choosing the single tier veil which does not go over the face, its a good option to have as an accessory but still keeping a little bit of the tradition. Veils are a very personal choice some like the lace details or beaded veils it will depend on the gown you have chosen as to what looks best otherwise a plain veil looks stunning too.

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