Can I have sample Christian vows for a couple who choose not to be married?

We just want some kind of "pledge" to have.

Question Asked: 1/06/2018

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

Christine White - Celebrant

(0) · Geelong/Great Ocean Rd, Bellarine Peninsula

Posted: 5/06/2018

Hello, do you mean "who choose not to be married in a church setting" or who choose not to be married? Either way, there are some beautiful vows which can be created to include, faith, hope and Christian aspects. For example:

"I, [name], take you [name] to be my wife/husband. God has brought us together through a chance meeting and my love for you grows stronger every day. My faith in God guides me to live for you according to St Paul. I promise to be faithful, to place you above all others, I will be patient and kind, I will not envy, I will not boast nor be proud or selfish. I will honour you, be truthful and giving in my thoughts and actions. This I pledge to you in God's holy name, till the end of my life".

Answered by: 6 Experts

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Treasured Ceremonies

(17) · Byron Bay to Ballina , North Coast NSW and Gold Coast QLD

Posted: 3/08/2018

Yes you can - please contact me to discuss  0- Mario - Treasured Ceremonies

Angela Limberis - Marriage Civil Celebrant

(3) · Adelaide

Posted: 3/07/2018

Of course you can have a sample of Christian vows if you choose not to marry,

  • This is called a commitment ceremony, and you can add your personal words to it, which have the depth and feeling of your heart to your financee !
  • All this makes your ceremony unique !



Coastal Wedding Services

(2) · Mid North Coast / Lower North Coast and surrounding areas

Posted: 8/06/2018

I am assuming that you are performing a commitment ceremony and not a marriage ceremony. The vows people make to each other should reflect how they feel about their chosen partner. As a Civil Celebrant it is rare to have a couple who wants to stay with the traditional vows that their parents of grandparents may have made in a church setting. My advice is to have them speak from the heart and as you say pledge their commitment to each other and to their relationship.

I hope this has been helpful.

Kaye Hartog

(2) · Adelaide and Surrounds

Posted: 5/06/2018

Yes you can have a committment ceremony and include Christian Vows in your pledges to each other

Janine Gilland - Civil Marriage Celebrant

(50) · South Australia

Posted: 4/06/2018

Hello - thank you for your question!

I hope the following is of assistance for you ..

The most traditional Christian vows would be the following, however as it is NOT ACTUALLY A WEDDING the words would have to be adapted e.g. Today I take you to be my heartfelt soul mate/partner - removing "wedded husband/wife" etc :

 "I, ___, take thee, ___, to be my wedded husband/wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith [or] pledge myself to you."

Warm wishes,

Janine Gilland, Civil Marriage Celebrant.

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