How do I repair a scorched veil?

My MIL still has her 40+ yr old veil. I would love to wear it for my wedding in October but it was in a house fire about 10 years ago & it's turned yellow in parts. I took it to a bridal restoration shop & they said they can try to restore it but if it's scorched it will stay yellow. It's tulle, it's a perfect length, it goes perfect with my dress & it's something old as well as something borrowed! Please help?! Can tulle be repaired from scorching?

Megan S

Question Asked: 19/04/2017

Wedding Date: 21/10/2017

Most Helpful Response

Helena Bridal Studio

(1) · All of Victoria

Posted: 22/04/2017

Dear Megan,

The only suggestion we have is to try professional dry cleaning services. It might help to take some of the yellow colour from the veil, but it will still have a yellow tint because it happened such a long time ago.

Good luck with your wedding and all the best!

Kind regards,
Helena Bridal Studio

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