The top 20 most popular wedding dates Australian couples are planning for right now

Easy Weddings
Updated on: July 9, 2018

Wondering when you should be optimizing your availability or hiring a helping hand over the next year or so? Here are the top 20 dates that Australian couples are currently planning their wedding & enquiring with wedding businesses for, and surprisingly, they’re not all Saturdays!

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The top 5 wedding dates that Australian couples are currently planning for:

Saturday 16/03/19

The 16th of March next year is currently the most popular date that couples who are booking in services for now.

Saturday 06/04/19

Just around the corner from the most popular date, April 6th is also an extremely popular date to get married next year.

Saturday 24/11/18

Just a month before Christmas eve, many couples are planning on marrying this November on the 24th.

Saturday 09/03/2019

Plenty of couples are making the most of March’s impeccable weather and choosing the second Saturday in March.

Saturday 23/03/2019

March is still an incredibly popular month to get married in, with many couples still choosing out of the available Saturdays in 2018 and 2019. It’s likely that this trend will continue into 2020.

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Other popular dates:

  • Saturday 02/03/2019
  • Saturday 19/10/2019
  • Sunday 20/10/2019
  • Saturday  23/03/2019
  • Saturday 23/02/2019
  • Saturday 27/10/2018
  • Saturday 17/11/2018
  • Saturday 18/08/2018
  • Saturday 10/11/2018
  • Saturday 10/11/2018
  • Saturday 13/04/2019
  • Saturday 06/10/2018
  • Saturday 04/05/2019
  • Saturday 16/11/2019
  • Saturday 1/12/2018
  • Saturday 22/09/2018
  • Saturday 20/04/2018

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Keep an eye out for the next update on popular upcoming wedding dates from Australia’s biggest wedding planning platform so that you can ensure your business is prepared for those dates. Every year, we release the data from our huge annual wedding survey, the biggest in the country, that we release to all Easy Weddings suppliers.

Read more wedding industry news and statistics here. 

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