I’m looking for a wedding photographer in Victoria who specialises in using 35mm film.

I’m interested in the timeless, vintage aesthetic that 35mm film provides and would love to work with someone who has experience with it.


Question Asked: 5/01/2025

Wedding Date: 27/02/2026

Most Helpful Response

Candid Captures Wedding Photography

(13) · Melbourne & Surrounding Areas

Posted: 29/01/2025

Hi! I edit my digital photos using 35mm film as my inspiration and I can also shoot weddings using 35mm film as an add on. I have shot many weddings using 35mm film and I absolutely love the photos that my film camera produces. I would recommend adding 35mm film for all couples.

Answered by: 2 Experts

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Love Among Other Things

(8) · Melbourne

Posted: 29/01/2025

Hi there, we use both film emulation for our digital captures, which gives us the flexibility to shoot thousands of photos over the course of the day, giving you a safeguard that we will definitely get shots that you will be delighted with. In addition we shoot with a dedicated 35mm film camera, for that specific look and feel, when we can properly set up the amazing shots for you. 
I'm very happy to discuss how we can make this work for you! 

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