Is it okay to uninvite wedding guests in the COVID era?

How does anyone plan a guest list for a wedding now when things can change so quickly? Do we need like an A, B and C list? Any advice is appreciated!

Question Asked: 18/01/2021

Wedding Date: 9/08/2018

Most Helpful Response

This Girl Designs

(1) · Australia Wide

Posted: 31/01/2021

The only predictable thing in this COVID era is that things can change in a day, and over the past year we've all learned to be flexible in the interests of the health and safety of our family and friends. Any reasonable person will be understanding that the guest list is reduced to meet regulations or restrictions. Of course, you can still plan to share your dream wedding with them — a wedding that is inclusive for all your intended guests might include videoing your intimate ceremony to be shared via live stream or invite them, instead, to a post wedding reception/celebration in a safer future — date/time TBA. 

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Lava Stationery

(50) · Australia Wide

Posted: 29/01/2021

Planning a wedding during a global pandemic can be stressful and you might want to pull your hair out when it comes to your guest list.

However most wedding guests these days get it. They understand the stress and constant changing of restrictions because they have to deal with it in their personal lives too. 

It's 100% ok to uninvite a guest due to COVID. If they care about you at all, they will understand.

Many couples have used the "A & B" list strategy long before COVID was ever thought of, so if you feel like this will help you with your planning, then you should definitely utilise it.

I've actually written a blog post about uninviting guests during COVID. If you'd like to read more about it, check it out at my website: 

If you have more questions on this topic, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

Lava @LavaStationery

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