We have married legally now i need to marry according to the church my husband is different religion

Our legal marriage registration done earlier so now can I marry according to church as a mix marriage please help my husband is in another religion I'm Roman Catholic

Question Asked: 8/12/2024

Wedding Date: 6/01/2025

Most Helpful Response

Treasured Ceremonies

(17) · Byron Bay to Ballina , North Coast NSW and Gold Coast QLD

Posted: 9/02/2025

Sorry you but you are not allowed by law to marry a second time and no matter which ceremony came first - religious or civil.
You can have a celebration of marriage and celebrate the fact that you did get married. 
Many celebrants are quite prepared, as i am, to perform Catholic mariages with all the usual prayers.

Answered by: 6 Experts

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Lynda Ross

(9) · Townsville, Magnetic Island & Surrounding Areas

Posted: 30/01/2025

You can only get married once but you are welcome to have a commitment ceremony or have your wedding blessed in the church of your choice or have a religious ceremony with no legal obligation according to either religion.

Kate Fenton - Perth Marriage Celebrant

(14) · Perth & Surrounding Areas

Posted: 30/01/2025


Basically you can only have one legal wedding ceremony. I would ask the minister of your church if he can do a blessing or religious commitment ceremony.

Best wishes!

Kate Fenton

Civil Celebrant

Nuptials by Mel

(5) · Perth & Surrounding Areas

Posted: 30/01/2025

Hello, I trust you are doing well. You have the option to hold a ceremony with your friends and family at the church. However, if you opt for a celebrant, they must acknowledge that you are already married or clarify that there is no legal aspect involved. This ceremony would serve as a joyful celebration of your existing marriage, similar to how a celebrant would mark an anniversary or renewal of vows.

A Life Celebrant - Lou Szymkow

(8) · South Coast NSW

Posted: 30/01/2025

I am not sure what the question is here?

You have legally married in a Civil Ceremony and now want a non-legal religious marriage ceremony.

All you need to do is talk to an appropriate person in that church. If you want to marry in the Catholic Chruch, talk to a Priest, 

The second ceremony is regarded as a renewal of vows as you cannot legally marry twice but a religious ceremony is permitted. Just make sure that you don't sign a new Notice of Intended Marriage or any legal marriage certificates.

Love's Own Ceremonies

(0) · Mid North Coast/Coffs Harbour/Grafton & Lower North Coast/Taree/Port Macquarie

Posted: 30/01/2025

Hello and thank you for your enquiry.

You may only legally marry once, which you have already done.

However, you may have a ceremony in both your church and your husband's .

These ceremonies will not include the compulsory legal words and you will not have to sign any legal documents.

They will be ceremonies in which you receive the blessings of your particular faiths and will add a lot of meaning and depth to your marriage celebration. 
I hope that makes sense and please feel at ease to ask me anymore questions, and congratulations on your marriage!!

kind Regards,

Jo Pierce

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